Tuesday, August 16, 2005

Soap Box

Well, that was my turn standing on the soap box to rant and rave. Now it is your turn. If you have something to save in defence of smokers, feel free to post. Everyone else will probably get deleted. The last non-smoker that I let tell me his opinion of smoking had nothing more to say to me than, "I hope you die of cancer."

Smokers are the only people that are still politically correct to attack. Well, not here. This is a pro-smoking site. Anyone who doesn't like it, doesn't have to stay. In fact, you are not welcome here. Get the hell off my site.


Blogger blackhawk said...

This blog is for pro-smoking comments only. If you want to link back to your site, that's fine. First you must say something about cigarettes. If you don't, your comments will be deleted. Sorry. That's just the way it is.

3:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you have some terrific stuff going on.

3:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If that has got you angry, read this:

Published in the Asbury Park Press 07/9/05


Two state lawmakers want to make it illegal to drive a car while smoking — a seemingly long-shot proposal that extends the tobacco debate from public places into privately owned automobiles.

The bill, A-4306, introduced on June 27, would stipulate up to a $250 fine for smoking while driving. It would be a secondary offense — enforced only if a motorist had been pulled over for a separate traffic violation or other offense.

The proposed ban is lighting a fire under smokers.

"It's my car. I own it. Next time, will they come into my house? What's the difference," said Eileen Gilchrist while taking a smoke break from her job in Dover last week.

There are no states that prohibit drivers from smoking inside their own vehicles, according to Action on Smoking and Health in Washington, D.C. — although lawmakers in Germany began weighing a nationwide ban two months ago.

Assemblyman John F. McKeon, D-Essex, said his bill would promote safety. He did not cite any studies linking smoking to a heightened risk of car accidents.

Jefferson Police Sgt. Eric Wilsusen, a 20-year veteran, said he couldn't recall a single accident attributed to smoking by the driver.

McKeon, 47, who also is mayor of West Orange, acknowledged that his primary goal is "to bring focus to the ravages of tobacco."

"This is just another in a series of legislation to see what we can do to curtail the use of tobacco," said McKeon, whose father died of smoking-related emphysema two years ago.

The bill's co-sponsor, Loretta Weinberg, D-Bergen, introduced the New Jersey Smoke-Free Air Act — a proposal to prohibit smoking in indoor public places and in workplaces that would be similar to the New York law — in January. The bill has not yet come to a vote.

Weinberg said she agreed to back a smoking-while-driving ban after McKeon broached the idea, even though she does not believe that it will become law.

"I know there are people who will consider this kind of silly," Weinberg said.

7:49 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi, I think this web site is really great. I enjoy smoking, and since I have given up all illigal endevors, what's the big deal. Life is too short. relax, non- smokers. Or maybe you should get a life? You don't see me getting in your face for speading deseases, smelling bad, and have that sour puss look on your face all the time. If you had something fun to do, like smoke, maybe you would be happy too. But seriously, smoking is not a crime. Does anyone get this. let me say it again "SMOKING IS NOT A CRIME" it really feels good to get this off my mind. Great Website!!!!

1:55 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


1:57 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now the government wants to put stuff in cigarettes that if you aren't constantly puffing, it goes out!! how stupid is that. what is the reason??? to stop forest fires. how stupid is that. I don't throw my lit cigarette out the window and you shouldn't either. that is common sence. But, come on, how many freedoms will we loose over this?? I am sick to death of my state of Washington and the crooks that run it, so come election time:I AM VOTING AGAINST ALL THE ONES THAT WANT TO TAKE AWAY MY RIGHTS!!!! Thank You, sick to death in WA

5:14 AM  
Blogger blackhawk said...

Is that safe? A fire proof cigarette? What are they using - Asbestos. That doesn't burn. We could mix in a little fiberglass. That's in the filters anyhow, so a little more is only going to kill us a little more.

Here's an idea, stop putting them chemical in the cigarettes that increases the burn rate. In fact, don't put any chemicals in them. Let's take all that crap out. The tobacco isn't killing us, it is all those chemicals added to keep the cigarettes burning, to make them more addictive, to increase the shelf life. Let's go back to smoking all natural tobacco. That's a great idea.

5:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am a smoker and have been for about 42 years. Yes it is probably bad for me, but the fact is, it is still legal. I am so mad at what has happened with all these non smoking bans, so I decided to voice my opinion.

As far as second hand smoke goes, Maybe it has a mild effect on others but I really doubt it. It is mostly annoying to others. Well some of the perfume women wear is very annoying to me. I mean REALLY. And some peoples body odor could knock you down. And the same people who complain, leave there smoke free restaurant and walk out into a smog filled city street and think nothing about it. But I just kinda hold my breath and live with it. Non smokers should do the same.

Back in the 60's and well into the 70's you could smoke anywhere. Many times I have lit up in Krogers and when done put it out on the floor and you was able to smoke anywhere, including Dr.'s offices. Now you can't even do it outside someplaces. And Why?. Because a handful of people got together and lobbied and protested until it was changed. Meanwhile smokers, like myself, set back and let it happened. I for one did not think I would see the day.

But that is not what really ticks me off. What really does is this. Why isn't nothing being done about alcohol? You will never convince me that smoking is worse than drinking. Read any newspaper and see how many deaths, divorce, child abuse, spouse abuse and whatever else you can think of are caused by alcohol. But no one is trying to ban drinking. You know why? Too much money would be lost. It doesn't matter that a small child was killed by some drunk, or abused by some drunk, or a wife beat to within inches of her life, because of some worthless drunk. At least they wasn't exposed to smoke. Come on people, wake up and smell the roses. This makes me so angry I could scream.

I could go on and on about this, but would just get more upset. Anyone who doesn't see this as a problem, has a problem.

Not only is nothing being done about alcohol, but it is glorified. It is still advertised on TV and anywhere else they want to put it. I have got to quit for now because I am getting so mad and frustrated just thinking about it. I guess I will wait and see some how many agree with me or, I suppose some will disagree.

6:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I smoke because I want to smoke. I don't care what non-smokers say. If they don't like it, they can just hold their breathe.

1:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is a really great website. Thank you for letting me vent my feelings. I am so tired of ex smokers. They think they are better then me? I do not drink and drive, over eat, butt my nose into your business, dictate how I think you should be, act, or live. Who do they think they are. They don't walk on water. I wish they would "Shut Up". If you feel like i do, get on and say so!!! P.K.

6:34 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

It seems to me that all this world has gone nuts. No one seems to stop true crime because they are attacking smokers. How did this happen? Whos business is it, if I am doing something legal? I don't think this is going to end until we have a civil war over cigarettes. When are we going to fight back? When are we going to stop cowaring in the corner and tell all of these people to stop harrassing us? I know I am doing it right now. Every chance I get, I speak my mind. Come on Everyone. SPEAK UP AND SPEAK OFTEN. unless....free speach is illigal too? Thanks for listening, lamb chops

6:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen, when non smokers have something important to say, maybe I will listen. You know who they are: they carry cloth sacks to shop. Drive those stupid square cars(God they are ugly)smoke weed, talk about the ozone depleting (they need science since the ozone is created by the Sun, and will only leave if the Sun goes out) These are the people preaching to us and yes, these are the same ones voting for medicinal maryjane. Give me a Break. Just for once I would like to go somewhere, and have a nice drink (diet Coke) good meal and a smoke afterwards. But, not anymore thanks to ex smokers. We should have been wiser, smokers, and told them to leave us alone years ago. But we actually thought in America that we would never loose our rights. Not anymore. We are loosing rights everyday. I am fighting back by voicing my opinion, voting the scumbags out, and continuing to SMOKE.

6:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am going who's pro-smokers and who isn't and thats who I am voting for because this is about our second amendment rights. We have to start doing something aggresive to stop this idiotic behavior against smokers. We are tax payers, and we are not doing something illigal. Yes, this is not easy to do because smoking is tabu now and only "good and healthy" people are non smokers. Smokers want to kill themselves and the rainforest, the dolphins, and all the tree huggers on the planet (yes, I wish the tree huggers would croak). We I am a smoker and I care about everything all human beings care about. I just like to smoke. Now that I found Native American, chemical free cigarettes, I really enjoy smoking. I feel better all around. But, this is not about smoking, it is about making this country (It might be too late folks) Nazi like and controling the population. It is also about telling me what I can and can't do, over taxing us, and making us second class citizens. Thanks!!!

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I live in Washington where I-901 is sure to pass, and nobody seems to care, they don't realize if this freedom is taken away, it WILL NOT be the last!! What has happened to The Constitution, and the Golden Rule in this country?? All I see is hate, greed and power! I am retired and have smoked for a long time, and I'm NOT going to quit!!

7:21 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In New York City, polls are predicting 68% for Bloomberg, 30% for Ferrar.

If everyone who had to stand, shivvering in the cold to have a cigarette outside a bar (BAR. Not day care center, not ICU.), did NOT vote for Bloomberg, he wouldn't be elected.

If everyone who is now squeezing into their formerly comfy clothes(because they wind up nibbling on bar snacks instead of going through coat check or standing outside), did NOT vote for Bloomberg, he would lose.

If everyone who wanted to go out to a club, drink, smoke & dance, but instead wound up a couch potato watching a dvd at someone's house didn't vote for Bloomberg, he would lose.

If the bar owners who lost business to New Jersey, or whose customers are the ones watching the DVDs at someone's home did not vote for Bloomberg, he would lose.

But this won't happen because smokers are sheep. Fat people on a Dairy Queen line have a more entitled attitude than smokers. It's always the apologetic guilty thing (trying to quit, know I should quit, etc).

Not me. I think Bloomberg (a former smoker who is in the dangerous position of being able to strongarm his reformist attitude), knew he was going to push a ban on smoking in bars through before he was elected. However, he knew he would lose votes, so did not let the public in on his agenda. Why do people feel comfortable with this sneakiness? Is it that really odd thinking where people don't care about the principles, if they aren't in the crosshairs? What else is on his agenda, should he win a 2nd term?

And he very likely will. He is the path of least resistance. He has fed enough money into campaign ads that he is burned into people's minds. Better to go with the name that pops into your head than actually think.

Not that Ferrar is any better. Before the Democratic primary, I called to find out whether Ferrar would support, or at least not actively oppose, repealing the nonsmoking in bars New York State/City laws. It turns out that he supports the ban. I called the Weiner campaign headquarters, and spoke to a representative who said that Weiner wasn't in favor of the ban when it was introduced. She also added that while he would not champion a repeal (I expected this. NYC has the largest patriarchal government system outside of California), he would not oppose a repeal. For a politician, this amounts to an endorsement, and he received my vote.

Unfortunately, Weiner conceeded rather than force a runoff with Ferrar. And I am left with no one to vote for, just against. And Bloomberg will most likely win. Sometimes people really are disappointing. Rubbing it in after the election, as people stand out in the rain trying to keep their cigarette dry, is cold comfort.

8:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smoking is not illegal. You have every right to smoke in your own car, house, yard, boat. Taxes on tobacco impacts the poor and less educated the most. That's unfortunate. I am more than glad to respect anyone's right to smoke. I ask the same in return--respect my right to not be directly exposed to smoking and we can live in harmony, I think. If you are one of the many considerate smokers who do this, we could already be friends

6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nashville Zoo in Nashville, Tennessee has banned smoking and will not have designated smoking areas. You may want to avoid the Nashville Zoo if you visit Nashville, Tennessee. The Nashville Zoo email address is

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Nashville Zoo in Nashville, Tennessee has banned smoking and will not have designated smoking areas. You may want to avoid the Nashville Zoo if you visit Nashville, Tennessee. The Nashville Zoo email address is

corrected posting

5:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so sick of my rights as a smoker being violated. Things have already gone to far. I can't even smoke within 50ft of a public building. It seems that too many people are quick to blame the smoker for thier own health problems. The last time I checked, the number of overweight people in America was incredably higher than the number of smokers. It's a fact now (unfortunatly) that the majority of Americans are over weight. That is the real issue here. People need to stop worrying about the guy smoking two tables down and start worrying about what is on thier plate. Once smoking surpasses obecity for the number one cause of death, a call for action may be appropiate. If people have the right to be fat in public I expect the right to slowly kill myself by smoking in public. We (the smokers) are dying at a slower rate than the overweight non-smokers. The non-smokers need to take a look at thier own health issues before they point the finger at me for smoking. ...And props to all you overweight smokers, I respect all of you. If you would like to leave me a comment, Email me at crazyrocketship@hotmail.com

7:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have to say that I am an ex smoker from Washington State who is bent out of shape about this law. My fiance (who is an ex everything but smoking)and many of my friends smoke, and we can no longer go out unless it is to a Casino. If we go out to eat, we eat and leave. We can no longer go to any of our favorite bars and hang out. My fiance loved to do pulltabs and smoke while I had a few beers, everyone was happy. And, supposedly this law was made in hopes that many smokers would quit...right, even if someone was thinking about it you've now pissed them off so badly that they'll smoke forever. I don't blame them. Really too bad for the bars we frequented since we now drive by and see empty parking lots. Miss those places!

Just want to smack those self righeous selfish people who voted this law in.

I think as a rebuttal we should start a ban on those disgusting obese people who I don't want to be around..that they are not allowed to be within so many feet of fast food joints and grocery store establishments. Or how about annoying drivers, or just stupid people...oh I forgot there's obviously too many in Washington state, It'd get voted out.

1:38 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Right, ON! I suggest we take their drinks away. Start a bill to BAN the Alcohol, then ban the coffee, then ban the pop, we could ban breathing...heck lets just all move to a country that lets it's citizens live free.

3:59 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smoke free? Not me! Thats my war cry. I carry my soapbox with me everywhere,but It's not doing me any good. I've worked the same job for 7 years and now come march 1st my job is smoke free. I work in a wharehouse around no one,but the other 5 smokers who work with me. What to do? I wrote my senatator, but he didn't care. We have to do something but what? How?

3:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This is all about our 2nd amendment freedom. It has never been about smoking (I buy all my cigs from BLACKHAWK) This country is on a dangerous coarse. If you are crying out "when will it end" then i suggest you fight back any way you can. It will not stop till we make it. Also I read all the blogs and I really like hear from others who are venting. So come on get it off your chest. non smokers need not apply. I am sick to death of you now, God help you if your crossing the street and I see you in my big SUV.

6:07 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


3:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeh Survival in CT. You got it right. I also shop at BLACKHAWK. I like everyone else am tired of the ex-smokers and never smokers. I quit smoking for 6 years(its not all it is cracked up to be) There are days that were so stressful that there is no other way to relax, when I wasn't smoking and my husband was I would give him his pack and tell him " I had a really bad day" and I would sit next to him. I only quit because of the price, not because I wanted to.

4:57 PM  

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