Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tax-Free Cigarette Coupons

Why do state politicians hate successful Native American tribes? Is it just because of the tax free cigarettes?

It has to do with history. The Europeans came over to the new country and killed 90% of the residents there. They didn't do it out of spite. It was purely a business model they had been using for years. Conquer, destroy, re-populate.

Fortunately, for the few Native Americans that were left, they were given land by the newly formed United States government. Of course, this took a hundred years to do, but what can you expect from a bureaucracy.

Unfortunately, these new reservations were the worst land the government could find. The Native Americans were forced to settle in these places. These forced evacuations and re-settlements often have painful names in history. "The Trail of Tears" is just one of the many.
But the Native Americans survived. And though many died and suffered, other prevailed. It took much strength and leadership. Though wrought with much hardship, the Native Americans took this harsh landscapes and reformed them into places of prosperity. They not only survived, they became successful.

The United States government granted the Native American tribes sovereignty over their lands. Giving the tribes the right of self-taxation and government, free from state control. At that time, it wasn't seen as a benefit, but rather as a way to get rid of the Indians; to escape responsibility. The Indians weren't meant to be successful. They were meant to go out into the desert and die.

They didn't. The worked. They built. They prospered.

The states didn't. Most states have over bloated governments, boarding on bankruptcy. The governors gave away too much money to their pals and now there is nothing left to take care of the people. They are looking around to see where can they get some more cash. Everybody is bankrupt. Everybody except the self-ruled Indians.

So, in recent years, all the state governments and governors have started to ban together. They see prosperity and they want a blank check. Nobody questioned the Federal Treaties between the Native Americans and the United States, which give the Indians the freedom to conduct their own affairs, when there was nothing there to take. Now that they have dug themselves out of their holes and live in nice houses, everybody wants a piece of the pie.

Governor Pataki is no different. He too is a governor without a budget nor a plan at how to govern. Instead of cutting staff, cutting costs and getting the expensive bureaucracy trimmed out of his state's politics, he is focused on the Native Americans. "They've got cash, they've got cash, they've got cash," I can imagine him dreaming at night rubbing his sweaty, politician hands together. The only question is, how do we get it.

As the Native American tribes in New York well know, Governor Pataki is no friend to the Indians. They are successful. There's nothing a state politician hates more than a successful Native American.

The Bloated Government Cigarette Coupon Conspiracy.

Instead of being a state with a leader, New York is introducing a massively expensive system to steal money from the Native Americans and spend it on more unnecessary government.
The Tax-Free Coupon System.

Native Americans will be issued tax-free cigarette coupons. All Native Americans in New York will then be able to purchase tax exempt cigarettes with a coupon. This is a direct attempt by the State of New York to force themselves into the political affairs of the Indians. All non Indians will have to pay state cigarette sales taxes.

A large part of the money used to pay for schools, fire trucks, development and other Native American services will be lost. The coupon system will take money away from the Native American nations. That's the idea.

What will remain is this: more bureaucracy and more paid government staff.

Somebody must design the tax-free cigarette coupons. The coupons must be stored. The coupons must be transported. The coupons must be protected from theft. Somebody has to track the coupons, issue the coupons, collect the coupons. There will be staff needed to check for counterfeits. After they are issued and used they must be destroyed and re-printed, re-issued, re-collected and destroyed again. It will never end. A huge organization will be built just to make sure that no money gets to the Native Americans.

Instead of having a successful Native American community in New York, Governor Pataki will have created more tax-burdening government. So what will he have to do? The New York government will have to raise taxes to pay for it. Where? From Who? Don't you all ready know?
A new cigarette tax will be issued to pay for the coupon system designed to collect the taxes from an already over taxed New York smoking population. That's right. Let me repeat in case you didn't understand: Taxes on cigarettes will be created to pay for bloated government to collect already excessive cigarettes taxes.

Who elected this guy? Did any smokers?

New York smokers must vote against Governor Pataki in the next election. Smokers must unite and get this idiot out of office.

Organized Crime

As everyone must know, organized crime is involved in counterfeiting. We can't protect are money from illegal printing. We spend millions trying, but we can't stop it. Isn't anyone awake in New York? Don't you see what is coming around the bend. The New York Tax Free Coupon is going to be a doorway for organized crime. This cigarette coupon will bring more crime to New York.

Thanks for the bad government, Governor!!

Why don't you get some real ideas!!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jack O'Boyle said... "I just got hit with an Illinois Excise Cigarette Use Tax of $2,800.00 from invoices they seized from ESmokes. I didn't get anything from Reservation Smokes or IndianSmokes.
Naturally, I don't have $2,800 lying around the house, so what do I do?
Any tips on how to handle this? I know it's hopeless to fight the State, but I want to avoid fees and garnishment. Help!"

3:57 AM  
Blogger blackhawk said...

(Editor's Note - The following email was sent to Jack O'Boyle)

Hi Jack,

Thanks for leaving a comment at our website. I am really sorry to hear, however, that you got burnt by eSmokes.com. They definitely betrayed all of their customers. From what I understand, they gave their data base to the authorities without a fight.

I am not a lawyer, so I can't give you any advise as how to survive a $2,800 back tax bill. The government does what it wants really in a situation like this. There isn't much to do except pay your bill a little each month. If you made all of your purchases with a credit card, there isn't too much that you can do. If you paid in cash, you could fight it. They would have to prove that you actually bought them. Naturally, if you used UPS and signed for each package, you would have a problem there too. Only use cash and only ship with the USPS!

The Native American tobacco shops are the only places that are safe at the moment. Naturally, the Indians aren't going to fight armed police officers, so the ATF could just force there way unto reservations and seize records too. That however isn't a likely situation, though it could still happen.

The problem really lies in the commercial cigarettes versus Native American made cigarettes issue. Though we are totally against the high cigarette taxes imposed by state governments, those taxes are still legal. Why then should commercial cigarettes be tax free? They shouldn't. Native American cigarettes, however are a Native American product and used to improve the lives of the tribes that produce them. That's originally why the Tribes were given tax exemption: for goods and serves they produces themselves. Gas, Alcohol, commercial cigarettes and everything else is just a manipulation of that status. There is no logical argument that can be used to support these items. They simply aren't Native American made. They should be taxed.

AngrySmoker.com is operated by the Black Hawk Tobacco Shop. We only support Native American made cigarettes. Native American made products are legally tax exempt.

Commercial companies should be charged taxes. Native American products should remain tax exempt. Our position is clear on this issue.

There is no doubt that eventually all companies illegally selling commercial products tax-free are going to be shut down. It is just a matter of time.

In the future, I would suggest that you only purchase with cash, you never sign for a box and you request never to be added to a data base. You just need to find a company that you can trust.

Good luck with your situation,

Have a great day all the same,

David McAllister
Black Hawk Tobacco Shop

4:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I smoke because I want to smoke. I don't care what non-smokers say. If they don't like it, they can just hold their breathe.

7:46 AM  
Blogger blackhawk said...

I am surprised that OTDirect turned you in. The bastards. They should have bought the bullet and took the hit.

2:57 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you are capitalizing finacially by selling these cancer sticks to others, I say....tough shit.
Pay your damn taxes like the rest of us.
Maybe you should buy handguns online and sell them to kids?

2:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

smokers are soo annoying... always walking in front me at school or right outside of doors... and why should i have to hold my breath? i stopped doing that... now i just kill them.


11:30 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We are both smokers--have been for over thirty years, and we live with a parrot. Our veteranarian says that our bird shows no signs of respiratory distress. However, our neighbors also had a parrot until they cooked a turkey dinner in a teflon pan--the fumes from the heated teflon put off a gas that killed their parrot. So let's all start a campaign against non-stick cookware, save a lot more breathers and leave cigarettes smokers alone.

By the way, most of the "research results" on smoking and cancer is false. Yes, smoking can, and most likely will, cause COPD/emphazema if you smoke as long as I have (and I do have it), but it is a proven FACT that you must have certain genetics, environmental (other than cigarettes) conditions, or working conditions in order to contract cancer. You don't need any of these to die from teflon. Remember that miners took canaries into the mines as a danger sign. Why aren't people running when they see a non-stick pan in use? Or have their houses tested for naturally occurring radon gas (a proven lung cancer causing agent)? Not to mention benzene? Could it be that huge corporations make these products (except radon) at huge profits while paying for the ads to sell them as safe products, while donating huge sums to our government's representatives?

One last thought: What happened to tolerance and courtesy in our younger generations? Are you so brainwashed that you forget to be respectful to your elders or fellow citizens? Our generation would never treat others as you do us today.

Two pissed off smokers, disappointed with the status quo,
The Hermits

1:43 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

smok to make u feel better thats y i do it

4:19 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I really don't give one damn about smokers' rights - even though I am a smoker. What it really boils down to is RIGHTS period. There is no smoking allowed in my house even though both my husband and myself are smokers. We CHOOSE to smoke. However, my pets don't have that choice. Therefore, we have elected to protect them and we smoke outside of the house. However, Big Brother does not have the right to tell a businessowner that they will now lose 85%+ of their business because of some yuppie who will never frequent that establishment to begin with; a place where minors are not allowed and, just because that Yuppie wants all his little peas in a row so that he can sleep at night. You know what, why not worry about the REAL world. About the non-citizens in this country that busines funding(oh, not available to citizens - tax payers) who walk through the tax loopholes by passing their business on to relatives while still making the big bucks and not paying a dime in US taxes. And, meanwhile, send their kids to the schools paid for by US citizen tax payers, while using our medical facilities and having their bills paid for by US tax payers. How about us US citizens who have to work second jobs in order to pay for all the freebies given to aliens rather than taking care of our own! And, they worry about a cigarette! No wonder we smoke! My husband was injured on his job -18 years at the same place - he lost the total use of his right arm due to the Workers Comp idiot surgeon. Three years later - no job, no money, while anyone who is NOT a citizen of this country can get whatever they want for nothing. Did we get a tax break - hell no - we have to still pay for the freebies our government allows. And, they worry about 2nd hand smoke for children. Keep your kids at home and be responsible for them. It is not my problem. Wake up and smell the f'n coffee!

PS: Our schools are no babysitting services either.

8:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just can't imagine they can try to collect taxes After the fact of purchase no matter where you bought them....these places made a legal sale to us...I am currently ordering from a reservation just recently....I fail to see how they can backtrack legally previous sales and how they can block internet trade in the greed they have to get the money.

4:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

joe hutchinson...The state and the government is just looking for an exscape coat to help pay their way out of a tax crunch, and they know that the air that we breath out side is more deadly than that the smoke we inhale, The epa has proven that the fuels that we burn daily in our car, buses and trains, are the leading causes of cancer.Maybe they should stop all transportation and shutdown all factories. tobbaco was the us first traid with out that they say we would not be here. We can thank the indians for the tabbaco and how to grow it. It comes down to this, everyone is born with cancer cell we have them until we die, there are many man mad envirermental screw ups that man as mad and that we cant live with out, So the states are force to blame it on cigarettes and they also making a killing off of it. they will never do away with cigarette smoking there's to much money in it for your state. also there's a acted called the the free traid law is has been in effect for a long time, you should have the right to by anything anywhere in the world, if you can find it cheaper why not. If i bought my cigarettes on line and they taxed me i would go to court on that one. people have rights to buy what ever they want where ever they want. If your poor and you need school supplies for you children and you can find them cheaper in other states or country you should have that right to do so. there's alot more to say but no more time.thanks

7:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i am a smoker and have been for about 15 years. my opinion of these smoking bans is this, if you don't want to be around second hand smoke stay away from me, it is my right as an American to put poison smoke in my body if i like. everone says it's the smokers that are raising the cost of health insurance because all the health problems smoking causes. well if i'm not mistaken we smokers also pay higher premimes for our insurance so that we can smoke.plus what about all the health problems people that don't know when it's time to put the fork down shove away for the table have. those people have just as many health problems and i don't hear of them paying more for insurance or anyone telling them the can't eat this or that. i say if your gonna ban people smoking, ban the obese from eating junk food. i say if your over a certain weight NO ADMITANCE to Mcdonalds.all in all i think the only reason for all these smoking bans is because smoking is no longer socially acceptable.plus all the people that were permitted to sue the tobacco companies cause they got cancer or sick from smoking,well hell it says right on every pack you are gonna get sick.anyways this is my opinion.who can really stop the government.

6:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

For me, I am just sick to death of government idiots who, for whatever reason, just want to take, take, take and line their pockets with gold! I am so sick of hearing about how great America is, how lucky we are to be living in a country that is "free". When you stop to think about it, just how "free" are we? The government is meddling in every aspect our "free" way to live and constantly "sticking" it to the ones that can least afford their moronic mistakes! You cannot trust one single word that comes from any politician in our country, for they do not openly reveal their adgenda. To me, they are not worth respect because they are self-serving liars. Since this attack on smokers to pay for their poor leadership, I've honestly, had it! I think Americans need to open their eyes, pay close attention, and strike up a revolution to to STOP this "organized" government as we now live it. These people are wiping out any chance of a decent life because they are constantly taking away from us money we need for our families to live a reasonable life. Why does the common person have to consistently pay for governmental miss management of state and federal money? And, please don't get me started of the treatment of our Native American brothers! If you have, but, half a brain, you know from early school years that our so called "American" history is nothing but lies! I learned very early that our "fore-fathers were horrible, corrupt, destructive idiots who lived like our present day leaders live...Conquer and destroy! GOD, I AM SICK TO DEATH OF IT! I am one to believe in the power of the people and I believe we CAN STOP the government by stepping outside of our individual fears. Who are they anyway, just people, like you and me, NOTHING more.
Thanks for the opportunity to vent! Love u guys ever so much!

10:03 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

We just found out that Hollywood is trying to make this Ca. "smoke Free" you know who is pushing this? Larry Hagman and Rob Reiner!!
Those 2 guys have caused so much harm to "PERSONAL FREEDOM" This is another example of what Hollywood does to regular people. Why do we support Hollywood? All of the smokers need to boycott these guys and all the other ones that inflect their opinion on you and I. They do what they want, and yet they help make laws to stop you and I from living freely. They are also the people who stop Ca. from having good business that put Californians to work. All the enviromental issues that cause high taxes happen because these bone heads. They want us to give up our cars, land, cigarettes,etc. they are also the ones that smoke pot. I like to call them Herbalists. Anyway, this state is being wrecked by these liberal, non-smoking,weed-puffing, dead heads. Why can't we pull together and stop them? We can't keep letting them do all the talking. Thanks for the vent. Great site. I will spread the word.

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Why do non smokers think they can say "I hope you die" or other disgusting things like that? What are they really saying. What if they were talking to say a black man, gay man or crippled man? What if they said that to a child?
what would we call that? I call it a hate crime. when you say to anyone who is alive that you wish they were dead, that makes you the evil one. I think the non smokers who say these evil words to a human being that is smoking (legally) should be treated as a hate crime. If you agree, say so.

7:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you are a crazy crackhead who needs to realize he is going to die from smoking...and have cancer and kill the heart of any of the people who would love you

6:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

CRACK HEAD ALERT!! CRACK HEAD ALERT!! YOU ARE A CRAZY CRACK HEAD THAT NO ONE LOVES AND YOU SMELL FUNNY!! you need to stop smoking and stop being such a dumb dumb!

6:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Listen everyone, I found a great place to buy cigarettes that have great taste, no chemicals and cost less. The native American cigarettes at Blackhawktobacco.com
these cigarettes are great and I have been buying them for about 5 months now. Just go to the web site or call (the number is on the web site) These cigarettes are really good. If we want to really stick it to the man, this is how we do it. Thanks, a truly independent woman

5:56 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This kind of thing really aggravates the hell out me. I plan on quiting in the near future but I really don't care if someone wants to smoke in my presents. If the gov. stopped taxing smokes a pack would cost about .50cents. If you go to other countries you can buy them much cheaper. Who do these people think they are trying to control our lives in this way. If I'm on my property I should be able to do anything as long as there are no laws being broken, and I don't see this smoking bill a legal document and it needs to be fought against. We just need to come together and make our voices be heard. When I quit I'll still fight against laws of this kind. There are no more Bill of Rights, the gov. controls us and it's going to get worse.

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

How sad and pathetic. Anger and denial are classic symtoms of drug addiction. Instead of trying to make a "movement" out of you drug problem, get some professional help and quit.

4:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work for a contract company the employed by Caterpillar. Cat has recently came out with a no smoking policy inside of any of their buildings. The policy states that any contractor or NON-UNION EMPLOYEE must go outside to smoke. The union employees are still allowed to smoke inside of the building. Is this a form of discrimination and can I do anything about this situation? I feel like a lower life having to sit in the back of the bus while the cat union can sit in the front. Please help any suggestion would be great

8:08 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work for the federal government. I am one of three smokers left and I retire in a few weeks.

Made to feel like leppars, my favorite place to go is a casino and blow smoke especially at those that frantically wave their hands and as I gently remind them...there's a no smoking section please feel free to go there because I have no intention of putting this out for you in the only public place you non-smokers have left us.

10:37 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Have you ever bought your cigarettes from Native American Smoke shop that doesn't sell Major Brands? These cigarettes are made by Native American Indians. Pure class A tobacco. Like skydancer, smoking Joe's, native, etc.

What I am saying is a place that only sell tax exempt cigarettes, on tribal land, owned by a true Native American Indian?
The States can't touch this kind of business because a true Native American Smoke shop falls under the Federal Gov. and not under your State. I shop at one of these shops, and they will ship to you. It's a great place to get my smokes. Look for them on the web: Blackhawktobaccoshop.com

6:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, I also visit Casinos to have a good time, and smoke. The only difference is when someone is waving their hands and coughing, I also tell them there is a smoking section. I also say, "when I am in your non smoking area I am polite enough not to smoke, so when you are in my area would you please be polite enough to HOLD YOUR BREATH! That gets rid of them every time.

6:20 PM  

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