Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Our Freedom

(Editor's Note - The following comment is from a site visitor)

"I would like to say that I am sick to death of all the harrassment I have taken by non-smoker, especially the ones that quit smoking and now they think they are better then those of us that still want to smoke.

I also don't appreciate all the Doctors who continually throw their "medical" verbage at us.
Then the Credit Card companies, private shipping companies, and even McDonald's and K.F.C. are starting.

What I would like to see is all the smokers bocotting those establishments that are a party to removing one step at a time, OUR FREEDOM. Sure, today it's the smoker, but who will it be next? These people do not realize that taking my rights away makes it easier to take theirs. Stupid is as Stupid does."

(Editor - McDonald's is hardly in a position to talk about health. Their food barely has the right to be called food. The number one killer in the USA is obesity. The fast food culture definitely hasn't helped this problem. Smoking cigarettes has!! Why? That's obvious. Smoker's eat less. Non-Smoker's eat more. Therefore, smoking keeps you thin and saves you from heart attack.If it comes between smoking some chemical free Smokin Joes cigarettes and eating a Big Fat Mac, I think I will take the safer way and go with the Native American Smokes.)


Blogger blackhawk said...

That's my point exactly. The United States has created a political system that automatically prevents tax raises. So the politicians have picked out smokers to pay for the dirty jobs, because we have become second class citizens. Nobody wants to defend smokers.

Why the hell should we pay for Puget Sound? We didn't mess it up. Some big companies messed it up because their is no environmental protection to stop them. So the companies dump their crap in the sound to save money and the smokers have to pay for it.

We need the names of the politicians who thought we should pay for it. They need to be voted out of office. Please post the names of the government officials that are behind this stupid idea.

5:24 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I particularly enjoyed two of the issues you raised, the omnipresent medical advice, and the "public" facilities which have caved in to the anti-smoking fanatics.

I can't go to see a doctor about a lacerated calf or even a dentist without them: 1) asking about my smoking even though it has no bearing on the purpose of my visit, and 2) launching into a 10 minute dissertation on the evils of smoking.

I have found that it helps to tell them right away that I am not asking for medical advice about smoking and have no intention of paying them for any time they spend on it.

The restaurants, front line of the battle to evict smokers from the visible world of anti-smoking reformists! When government dictates no smoking, my sympathy is with the businessmen who are being harmed. When a restaurant adopts a "no smoking section" policy on its own, I have become more of an activist. I used to simply take my business quietly away.

Now I make it a point to call that self-righteous restaurant first, ask for reservations for a party of 6, then inquire about the smoking section. When they say "no," I cancel the reservation.

Bottom line is that, while we must continue to be considerate of those who do not smoke (and most smokers have always done that), we can no longer quietly accept abuse. When we are treated badly, we must say so!

4:17 PM  
Blogger blackhawk said...

Hi Denver,

Very nicely said.

I really like how you handle both your doctor and your choice of restaurant. It is your money. And money is power.

If they want our money, then they'll have to treat us fairly. If not, we'll take our business elsewhere.

That's a simple action that every smoker should take.

12:28 AM  
Blogger blackhawk said...

We don't need the morality police in American. That is what they have in Iran. We don't need anyone saying what is right nor what is wrong. If I smoke, if I drink, if I stay up all night and listen to dirty lyrics in rap records, it is my choice. That's freedom. That's America. It is called tolerance.

I had a non-smoker get in my face and tell me he hoped I died of cancer. I wasn't even smoking. I was stand in the Black Hawk Tobacco Shop selling him three packs of cigarettes for his smoking girlfriend. What kind of behavior is that? How does he know if I smoke or not? What business is it of his?

That's what makes me angry. Why does he think he is better than me? Him with his bloodshot, bulging eyes.

Smokers are not second class citizens. Nobody should be. We must defend the others rights of our fellow citizens, even if we don't agree with them.

12:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

As with alithered, I have been up in arms about the current state of our state of Washington. We tried to vote down the recent law...didn't happen. As only 18% of the population of this state, probably didn't have much of a chance. However...if the non-smokers of our communities would look past their noses, they might be just a little afraid. Once you target a specific group of society, it is only a matter of time before other groups will come under the microscope. It's quite odd that this has happened in the past in some countries like Germany. Remember? Enough said. As a smoker who see's injustice, I have decided to make my voice known through commerce. I have recently copyrighted a 25 foot measuring tape label. It's the official Washington State 25 foot rule. Not only can you not smoke in any public building...and they consider VFW's Elks Moose Lodges as public buildings, you have to be at least 25 feet away from any window door or air intake. If anyone would like to have more info on this you can e-mail me at Also had a star of david made out of cigarettes, but the wife said I may offend people with that one. Will also be production bumber stickers as well. If I am made to be 25 feet away from any building, then I will save my money and not frequent those establishments. Watch out. This law is being looked at throughout the U.S. right now and YOU could be next.

9:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I work as a nurse in a small hospital. Our facility has gone smoke free. I work 12 shifts, and they tell me I can't even go out at lunch to smoke, although my pay is docked 30 minutes for my lunch break. It seems to me that if I am not paid for this lunchbreak, I should be able to clock out and leave the campus. Anyone have any information on this????

7:23 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In the previous post I meant "I work 12 hour shifts"

7:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

more people are getting sick and dieing from getting too fat,why dont they take thier freedom away from eating food that makes them fat,why is thier goverment interference in smokers rights,i thought this was a free country,i like to know whats next?i have family that fight for this country,so that we can all be free,we should all get together and vote out the people in the goverment that are takin away peoples rights, nancy evans

6:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Our Freedoms are coming under fire in most states of the union. We as smokers need to stand up for our selves.
In WA you can not smoke with in 25 feet of a business, if a police officer sees you smoking he/she can ask to see the pack to check if it has a state stamp on it.
In CA the non smoking community wants to make the smoker pay even more in taxes and now they want to make the whole state a SMOKE FREE state.
Talk about infringing on personal freedoms. How are these people going to do this study when we have exhaust and other polutants in the air(not just smoke from the smokers). How much carbon monoxide is put into the air do to CA fire storms every year. not to mention the quality of Californias air do to vehicle pollution in which the epa has allowed to get as bad as it has, pushing back any resolution in order to make tax dollars.
The non smoking comunity attribute SIDs to second hand smoke. How many of us grew up with smokers in our households and we are still alive. If the non smokers have thier way, who will be next, people who are over wieght? How many of the non smokers are fat, do drugs, drink excessivly? When one group is given the power to dictate to another, how can we say that we are FREE.

9:06 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just wanted to say that I think it is so wrong for the company that you work for make you quit smoking outside anywhere that they own. All of us employer that still smoke go across the main highway too smoke. I enjoy smoking and alway will . There is alot more think out there in this world that you could died from. There is medicine that some people take that causes liver and kidney to go bad. What I trying to say we smoker should be every smoke if we not hurting nonsmoker. Also there should stop taxes cig., kid and anyone that smoke with do their best to get cigarette. I wish that we smokers had right too.

4:16 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This whole anti smoking vendeta that is going on is unAmerican. Why are states governments doing this to us. What are you doing about it? this is what I am doing:
1. write to your state congressman, senator, federal courts, and any one else you can think of.
2. do not give your money to resturants, clubs, bars, McDonalds, KFC, or any business that supports anti smoking laws.
3. do not ship anything through DHL, FedEx, or UPS. Only ship through United States Post Office.
4. when anti smokers get in your face, get in theirs.
5. when ex smokers, doctors, family members start their crap, walk away.
why do we start to stand up for ourselves? If we would have 12 years ago instead of running, and hiding or ignoring these people, this would not be going on today. but, we didn't. It is never too late. NEVER TOO LATE. these are your tax dollars, your life, and this is still America (for how much longer I don't know) So do something. Get started. Don't be afraid. Blow smoke. thanks for listening.

6:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

To each his own. non smokers make me sick. I actually use to be nice to them. I didn't know they would be the smoke police. God this is embarrassing. where do they want us to go? Have you ever had one say "I wish you would die".
this is a hate crime. If I said that to a gay,lesbian,black, or handicapped person I would go to jail. This is a hate crime and we need to stop them. What if someone killed a person for smoking? They say we are killing them and the Earth. That's a lie but what if someone took it seriously and killed a smoker.

6:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In Europe there are huge taxes on cigarettes. But, guess can smoke where you want. why? because you pay for it with taxes.
So what's up with the U.S.? This whole smoking thing is wrong. Just Wrong. There is going to be a civil war. Good. As an adult, who smokes, I want to know who is dictating their morality into my life. Yes, as I have said a million times why are they stopping Drug dealers, Drug users, Porn, especially with kids. the anti smoking crowd is always harping about smoke. Look around people, see who is doing the drugs, dirty movies, and trying to get to our kids. Not smokers. it is the non smokers. they are the ones breaking the law. Smoking is legal. keep on smokin'

6:22 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah, that's it. IF all smokers were to take some action, and do this list that "Pat's PJ's" wrote....
This whole anti smoking vendeta that is going on is unAmerican. Why are states governments doing this to us. What are you doing about it? this is what I am doing:
1. write to your state congressman, senator, federal courts, and any one else you can think of.
2. do not give your money to resturants, clubs, bars, McDonalds, KFC, or any business that supports anti smoking laws.
3. do not ship anything through DHL, FedEx, or UPS. Only ship through United States Post Office.
4. when anti smokers get in your face, get in theirs.
5. when ex smokers, doctors, family members start their crap, walk away.

We could make some noise! Commit a few hours a week to send out letters to the City, County, State and Federal Government and Officicials, spend a few bucks on some pass out flyers, and get our facts of closed businesses across the country that have already passed these indoor air acts, we could make a change. I agree that we should have long time ago, but like I've said before, who would have thought that this would happen in AMERICA!!!! We need somebody who is just as commited and almost as crazy as some of these war protesters etc, to get on TV and make a BIG STINK about discrimination!!!

11:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey guys. I know what you mean completely. I think it's cool you dedicate a site to those of us who feel we're in the "out crowd", as I have been for a long time. I'll never forget the time, I went outside on my break to have a smoke. A stranger came up to me and said I'm dying of cancer and your standing there smoking. I thought it was ignorant, and he made me feel horrible. Some states will not allow smoking in any building. Most people I know can't drink in a bar without smoking, as for myself as well. Now trying to find an apartment is getting tough, because there all non smoking. Rediculus. I've tried to quite, and someday I'd like to, but even if I didn't smoke, I would mind my own business. As for the restaurant part, I've walked out of one recently. Two for smoking. We don't have a smoking section. Okay goodbye. Aren't many places losing money over all this? alright I'm done. Later everyone

1:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i really love the points everyone has made, i agree strongly. if there are so many of us out there who chose to smoke why does the "morality police have the right. the new 10 dollar bill says it all " we the people" not " we the government."
if we dont fight then were are well on our way to becomeing a communist country.
fight , yell, scream, we know what we are doing to our health, but thats are right.

2:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

My husband and I went to Bob Evans where we go every Sunday after church to eat. When we said we wanted the smoking section we were told we don't have a smking section any more. I told her thanks and turned around and walked out.I am so damn put out with these do gooders I could scream.What about all the drinkers . Why not tax them a little more or stop the the booze that kills innocent people on the highways and also by the chugalug being done my those that has just turned 21.This is suppose to be a free country...but where is the smokers freedom...we don't have any!!!!!! Who are these stupid people that sit on thier asses and dream up all these crazy laws. Half the laws they have are not enforced.

2:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thought I would let you know:
In August, Ca. Attorney General Bill Lockyer filed suit against McDonald's, Burger King, Frito-Lay and six other food companies. If this is sucessful, they'll be forced to put warning labels on all fries and potatoe chips sold in the golden state;"This product contains a chemical known to the state of California to cause cancer"
Well, California is an Idiot. The chemical in question, Acrylamide, happens to be found in bread, ceral, olives,and about 40 percent of all the calories we ingest. Californian's caused this by voting in prop 65 in 1986. Now the Golden Arches will know what the smoking industry has gone through. This type of government over kill isn't just a California phenomenon. All across the U.S. at the state level an avalanche of laws and regulations intrude on every aspect of our lives and behavior. This is brought to you by activist lawyers, and state Attorney Generals that brought you the multibillion big tobacco suits.
what is next? everything if we continue to act like this is not happening. The sad notion of all is that part of the American public buys this idea that big government is here to help us. It is like Jack the Ripper telling us "hold still, don't worry, this is not going to hurt! I am here to help you" But folks, i am here to tell you some of you buy this. The nine most terrifying words ever uttered are these: I'm from the government and I'm here to help"

The shift from Tobacco to Fast food industry, Soda industry, and any other industry they think of, what are we going to do about it?
Hey, non smokers this is going to effect you too!! Are you going to bitch when your fries and potatoe chips are in jepardy?

How are we going to stop this giant, man eating monster we created in the guise of helping? If each of us could think of one small, easy act to do, just once, in the persuit of freedom: a letter to a local official. Or an email to one congressman. How about difiance against a stupid ordinance? Anything that will cause a small wave against your state government, within the law of course.

Think about it and then act up! Thanks for listening, Pat's P.J.'s (stands for peace and Justice)

6:35 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great News. I went to a new doctor today and he asked that old tired question: Do you smoke? I stuck my chin out and said "yes, I do and the cigarettes I smoke are chemical free! Oh, this doctor was on a reservation. I also told him that these cigarettes were made by Native American Indians and just like their beliefs about being natural, so were their cigarettes. he told me that was good. That he didn't see a problem with those kinds of cigarettes. I must have sat there with my mouth gaped open for several seconds. I think more and more doctors are recognizing that it is the chemicals that are put into tobacco by the "white man's tobacco companies" are the real issue, not the tobacco itself. I myself like to smoke, will continue to smoke and believe these cigarettes are the answer for me.

6:59 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me give you a perspective from a non-smoker... First of all, at least the last time I checked, we live in a democracy. It is the non-smoker who does not want you to smoke in public places because we and our children have to put up with the smell and unhealthy attributes of second hand smoke. The reason the govornment taxes cigaretts at a higher rate, is because they can. In other words they are Price Inelastic, meaning an increas in price has very little impact on demand. When they increase taxes a very small percentage actually quits for good. The net effect is still a very large increase in tax revenue. This most likely is due to the adictive nature of nicotine. I feel you as smokers have every right to smoke as much as you want as long as it does not effect the rights of others. With that said, is it too much to ask you to wait until you get to the car to get your fix? As for your argument about business owners...maybe they should consider the upside of banning smoking in their establishments. I would guess that increased patronage from non-smokers would make up for any lost revenue from smokers. There are some resteraunts my family and I won't go to because they are too smokey. I am sure there are many others that feel the same way.

10:33 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smokers are not the only ones losing freedoms. All of America is becoming at a loss to freedom. Every so often laws change and people loose a perspective. Will these laws change in the future? Or will our society become faceless to our freedom to smoke tobacco.
With tax rates booming on cigerettes and other forms of tobacco accross America, tax revenues will be lost if the smoker quits. And on top of this dilemma the tobacco farmers don't see any help from the government to grow other crops that help develop small city economics.

8:10 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Smokers are not the only ones losing freedoms. All of America is becoming at a loss to freedom. Every so often laws change and people loose a perspective. Will these laws change in the future? Or will our society become faceless to our freedom to smoke tobacco.
With tax rates booming on cigerettes and other forms of tobacco accross America, tax revenues will be lost if the smoker quits. And on top of this dilemma the tobacco farmers don't see any help from the government to grow other crops that help develop small city economics.

8:10 PM  

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