Judge Not, You Ignorant Fascist
Over the last few weeks, we have received more hate-posts from non-smokers, than any other type of comment. Generally speaking, these comments are badly written and filled with spelling and grammatical errors. This must be because non-smokers are slower thinkers. It is already proven that smoking increases the alpha activity in the brain. That means a smoker is mentally faster than their non-smoking counterparts. Yet, we allow them to exist anyhow.
Take this post for example --
"smoking is a horrible habit and i shouldnt have to suffer physically because your dumbass. You smokers are to retarted to think of anyone but yourselves and all non-smokers are suffering for your ignorance" [sic]
Where did you learn how to write, friend? If you are going to get on-line and say that people are retarded, you have to learn how to spell the word first. There are at least 8 mistakes in your post. That's one mistake for each point of your IQ. Hell, you are almost as smart as a palm meadow bug . That's not bad for someone with lower alpha wave activity.
Friend, you need help. Wishing people to suffer is evil. It doesn't matter who they are, wishing pain upon people shows the true state of your soul. You're a fascist proclaiming your own jaundiced ignorance. I bet you beat animals when nobody is around to watch. Get some therapy before we have to watch you on the news after you break.
If you are going to post hatred, at least be brave enough to post with your name. Anonymous hate-posts are for cowards like you. If you have something to say, stand up and be counted.
Non-Smokers surely have some complaints. Cigarette butts tossed on the ground are nasty to say the least. As smokers, we should fix this type of behavior. We would have fewer problems.
Nevertheless, we are Americans. We deserve the freedom to choose our own way of life, just as everyone else does. Non-smokers have no moral authority over us.
My smoking is not a sin.
My smoking is not a crime.
My smoking is none of your damn business.
Why do non-smokers have an opinion at all? It isn't their issue. I don't blow smoke on anyone. I don't get in their face and complain about their drinking, too fast driving, sugar consuming, fast food lives. What's the health bill for being fat? What's the health bill for not wearing a seat belt? What's the health bill for drinking alcohol excessively? Those have enormous health costs too. Yet, nobody stops an overweight person on the street and screams at them, "I hope you die of a heart attack." Why do people, who have an over abundance of bad habits and bad behavior in their own lives, feel morally justified to attack others? Have we always been so self-righteous?
That's all I have to say.
i go to college in PA and all people do around campus is bitch and complain about how smokers ruin the campus and all that. it gets ridiculous. i loved this article, i read it to two of my fellow smoking friends and we were cracking up. tell that idiot off, its a start.
Thanks for the nice comment. I am really glad that it made you and your friends laugh.
Though my statements appear to be directed at this individual, I meant them for a whole handful of people who hate-posted here. This person was actually the least harmful of the group.
Several people had some really hateful things to say. It is quite saddening that people think that they have the right to be vulgar and ugly.
As far as I am concerned, non-smokers should stay off this site. They'll just get deleted if they post. They should go find a smoke-free government building and post their comments there. A nice, clean, federal prison would be a good place to start.
Smoke and Enjoy!
I have been renting a Wisconsin apartment on a month-to-month basis since February of 2005. The property was sold to a new owner near the beginning of this month. The new landlord (who happens to be an attorney) informed me in writing that smoking in my apartment (MY HOME) must cease immediately.
There is no lease that cites a non-smoking clause.
Do I have any rights under the law to oppose this non-smoking declaration?
I need help. I do not want to leave my residence. If someone can provide me with some information I would be most grateful.
I can be contacted at the following e-address: fatmancommeth@yahoo.com
Thank you,
C. Keyes
I'm a smoker for 25 years I like this site because most non-smokers do not have a clue. The first thing is non-smokers is you think that the govorment cares it just one more right they have taken away soon it will be something you enjoy and then what will you do.We smokers should have as much right as you so watch what you ask for because big brother is more than happy to take away all your right.
This whole situation between smokers, and non-smokers has become very demorilizing to me. I believe that the bickering and futing between smokers and non needs to end. Really all you people are, are a bunch of grown ups looking for a reason to argue and draw attention. Being as dumb as you are you arguing about smoking sounded pretty lame, but hey why not. I am not a smoker myself because I'm not old enough. I'm not old enough to get into a PG-13 movie on my own. So in all honesty just grow up, because no matter where you go there are going to be smokers. Deal with it!
I think smokers have every right to smoke (and potentially) kill themselves in the privacy of their own environment. The moment your smoke comes into contact with my lungs/body is when you no longer have rights and you are forcing your nasty habit on me. To bad someone hasn't invented a personal smoking bubble so you could enjoy your habit without infringing on my rights to breathing smoke free air. I would bet not many smokers would use it though because I have heard some smokers say they personally can't stand secondhand smoke. I am a cancer survivor whose cancer was caused by secondhand smoke. Also my mother-in-law just died from lung cancer due to smoking... I have suffered long enough - contain your poison to yourself!
Look you guys, I have read down the comments about half way and had to stop. Really get a grip. I have smoked about 10 years. I do not want to cause anyone to go into a asthma attack or any other respiratory related illness. The fact is there are lines on both sides that are being crossed. I personally choose to not smoke in a restaurant, because I dont want to spoil a non smokers dinner. But where I get pissed off at is when now I cant choose that and then go out side anymore, Non smokers are takeing my right away. OH yeh new city ordi.(public smokeing ban) state I cant. OUTSIDE!!!! Come on..
ohh and by the way, I dont know what city these non smokers live in, but shs is probally healither then the air they argue about.
I think that raising taxes isn't going to stop underage smoking because they don't pay for their cigarettes any way. Raising the tax is putting unfair pressure on people on fixed budgets that have been smoking for thirty plus years.
Answering "ct guy" question regarding my secondhand smoke cancer.
I was a child exposed to smoke daily. Can you tell me how I was supposed to walk away from that?
I am 50 yrs old now and was exposed daily as a child and then as an adult until about the age of 31. My exposure was through family, restraunts, and my work in an office. I live in Minnesota and since the mid 1970's the laws have slowly become tighter on smoking in public. So as I aged I became less exposed, but the damage was done and I got cancer. I would say the last 15 years of my life I WOULD walk away from area's that had smoking (including from family). I have an immediate unpleasant physical reaction to smoke. I would start having a reaction and wonder "where is the smoke coming from?" as I could not see anyone smoking. Eventually I would be able to spot the smoker. Generally, they were not close to me.
Why should I have to suffer for your habit?
NO ONE should have to suffer for anyone else's habits what ever those habits are; smoking, drinking, drugs etc...
Damn! It is so refreshing to read all these comments. So tired of people giving me sh*t for smoking. I have never forced anyone to be in my presence when smoking (hehe) and I certainly don't blow smoke in anyone's face or direction if unwanted. Where in the hell are these people that are complaining about this? Most places in the US totally restrict smoking indoors (even in your own apartment) and some even restrict it outdoors. These people can just kiss my ass. One point I really want to make is why are the smokers being outrageously taxed, when it should be the tocacco companies? Why not? Because the tobacco lobbies give huge amounts to the aholes that tax us. It is about money, and not about health, damn straight. F*cking Fascists! Moving to Spain, where, even though they just passed a smoking ban, most establishments don't really have to comply! Okay, I've had my say, Smoke On!
When you are commenting on second hand smoke,you might think about what is in the air. Burning wood in your fireplace, Driving your car which pumps out of the tail pipe carbon monoxide, Public transportation (have you tried breathing when waiting for a bus) which also pump tons of junk into the air.
All of this has nothing to do with second hand smoke and are more harmful then second hand smoke.
If you really want your children to have nice pink lungs you should have put them in a bubble with its own air supply when they were born. By the way, what were you smoking before their birth? If I were you, I would worry about your smoking habits instead of mine. I already don't eat at resturants because of not being able to have a cigarette between my meal and desert. When my family and I go out we intend to have a nice meal, but when I have to leave the resturant to have a cigarette I'm not going back in-side. CA has passed no smoking in resturants and have found that they have lost revenue. Many resturant owners want to reinstate smoking areas because non smokers are cheap. non smokers only complained to cause a problems and now that you have your way, you don't support those very businesses you have ruioned. When smoking becomes illegal are you, the non smoker, going to pay the extra taxes that we the smokers already pay? You know the govenment isn't going to just stop the programs that they are funding with the tax money the smoker already pays. They will find another SIN and rename the progams and they will always tell us that it is for "our own good".
You have alot of complaints about smokers. Why don't you look in the mirror. You say our cigarette butts are an eye sore. But how many people (smoker and non-smoker alike) drop soda cans and candie rapers, tires, any thing and every thing that can fall out of or off a car or truck. Littering is very bad. But, to put it all on the smokers is ridiculus. Were is your own sence of responsibility. You complain about our smoke. How much carbon monoxide do you put in the air when using your fire place, or when you drive a SUV, or some of the older cars that you can see the exhaust coming from the tail pipe. So before you try tell me how to live my life, look at your own.
As a non-smoker and someone who is allergic to cigarette smoke, it is most certainly my problem. I cannot wait for a bus or walk into a public building without having to endure a fog of poison smoke. Smokers get angry when I complain that they are smoking in prohibited campus zones. They are wrong, but somehow it is still my fault, even though I am trying to protect my health. Why do smokers' rights outweigh my own? Why do I not have the right to clean air? We live in a civilized society, more or less. You're not allowed to unzip and urinate or defacate on public property because it is offensive and unsanitary. So is smoking, but somehow that's okay. I couldn't walk down the street and release pepper spray just because I wanted to. Smoke has a more subdued but similar effect on me, and I'm helpless to do anything about it. So what do you have to say to that? You can physically hurt me and expose me to a substance I am allergic to, but I don't have the right to defend myself and my health? I really want to know why you think that is okay.
to all of those self-righteous nonsmokers who post to this site in an effort to do... i am not quite sure what the heck they are trying to do, actually.. i pose this.. i am certain you realize that you are able to do this under the grounds of the first amendment to the us constitution. and i also realize that you window licking, rhetoric spouting pink lung-ed mongoloids cannot recall just which freedoms that amendment protects.. well i feel it is just as important to remember our ninth amendment, as well. that's right, there's more than one... as i am sure that you neanderthals do not have the capacity to remember the number "nine" for more than about fifteen seconds, i will make it easier for you.. the ninth amendment states that the enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people. that means that for all of your political pocket lining and all of the strides the anti smoking propagandists have made to curtail my freedoms, i still retain them, regardless of all your litigation and hypocrisy. look at your spokesperson.. rob reiner??? give me a break, what a model of health.. oh and that stupid excuse "at least you have a filter, i don't have one.." is totally stupid.
You phlegm-heads are great at talking trash when you're still (relatively) healthy. Then one day the chest X-rays come back stamped emphysema and you're running around talking about how you were forced into addiction and the big bad cigarette companies screwed you over.
If I see one more leather faced moron with an electronic voicebox blaming big tobacco I'm going to put a boot into his dried out ass..
Don't be so simplistic.
You said "My smoking is none of your damn business."
It becomes my business when I can't avoid but inhale your smoke while waiting for my train home from work, or while trying to enjoy my dinner in a restaurant. Just like cigarette butts and related trash on the sidewalks are a problem smokers must address, they must also address second hand smoke.
One argument I heard smokers use is that smoking is a natural activity for adults. So is urinating on the fire hydrant, farting during dinner, burping on a date, etc. All are natural activities. None of them are socially acceptable. How is second hand smoke different from farting ? Do you stand around farting at a bus stop ?
I wouldn't give a damn about your smoking if it didn't affect me.
It would be freaking hilarious.. you can march right behind the crackheads, by your logic they have the right to smoke crack in public spaces the same as you have a right to smoke cigarettes.
Unfortunately, you smokers are about as intelligent and motivated as your average crackhead.. so the "protest" ain't gonna be happening anytime soon..
I live were there are Indian Casinos they have a smoking section and a non smoking section. I smoke so I sit in the smoking section. When I go to the buffet I have to walk through the non smoking section I don't smoke. The interesting thing is that there really isn't anyone playing the games in the non smoking section. That's because we are more fun. LOL
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