Tax-Free Cigarette Coupons
Why do state politicians hate successful Native American tribes? Is it just because of the tax free cigarettes?
It has to do with history. The Europeans came over to the new country and killed 90% of the residents there. They didn't do it out of spite. It was purely a business model they had been using for years. Conquer, destroy, re-populate.
Fortunately, for the few Native Americans that were left, they were given land by the newly formed United States government. Of course, this took a hundred years to do, but what can you expect from a bureaucracy.
Unfortunately, these new reservations were the worst land the government could find. The Native Americans were forced to settle in these places. These forced evacuations and re-settlements often have painful names in history. "The Trail of Tears" is just one of the many.
But the Native Americans survived. And though many died and suffered, other prevailed. It took much strength and leadership. Though wrought with much hardship, the Native Americans took this harsh landscapes and reformed them into places of prosperity. They not only survived, they became successful.
The United States government granted the Native American tribes sovereignty over their lands. Giving the tribes the right of self-taxation and government, free from state control. At that time, it wasn't seen as a benefit, but rather as a way to get rid of the Indians; to escape responsibility. The Indians weren't meant to be successful. They were meant to go out into the desert and die.
They didn't. The worked. They built. They prospered.
The states didn't. Most states have over bloated governments, boarding on bankruptcy. The governors gave away too much money to their pals and now there is nothing left to take care of the people. They are looking around to see where can they get some more cash. Everybody is bankrupt. Everybody except the self-ruled Indians.
So, in recent years, all the state governments and governors have started to ban together. They see prosperity and they want a blank check. Nobody questioned the Federal Treaties between the Native Americans and the United States, which give the Indians the freedom to conduct their own affairs, when there was nothing there to take. Now that they have dug themselves out of their holes and live in nice houses, everybody wants a piece of the pie.
Governor Pataki is no different. He too is a governor without a budget nor a plan at how to govern. Instead of cutting staff, cutting costs and getting the expensive bureaucracy trimmed out of his state's politics, he is focused on the Native Americans. "They've got cash, they've got cash, they've got cash," I can imagine him dreaming at night rubbing his sweaty, politician hands together. The only question is, how do we get it.
As the Native American tribes in New York well know, Governor Pataki is no friend to the Indians. They are successful. There's nothing a state politician hates more than a successful Native American.
The Bloated Government Cigarette Coupon Conspiracy.
Instead of being a state with a leader, New York is introducing a massively expensive system to steal money from the Native Americans and spend it on more unnecessary government.
The Tax-Free Coupon System.
Native Americans will be issued tax-free cigarette coupons. All Native Americans in New York will then be able to purchase tax exempt cigarettes with a coupon. This is a direct attempt by the State of New York to force themselves into the political affairs of the Indians. All non Indians will have to pay state cigarette sales taxes.
A large part of the money used to pay for schools, fire trucks, development and other Native American services will be lost. The coupon system will take money away from the Native American nations. That's the idea.
What will remain is this: more bureaucracy and more paid government staff.
Somebody must design the tax-free cigarette coupons. The coupons must be stored. The coupons must be transported. The coupons must be protected from theft. Somebody has to track the coupons, issue the coupons, collect the coupons. There will be staff needed to check for counterfeits. After they are issued and used they must be destroyed and re-printed, re-issued, re-collected and destroyed again. It will never end. A huge organization will be built just to make sure that no money gets to the Native Americans.
Instead of having a successful Native American community in New York, Governor Pataki will have created more tax-burdening government. So what will he have to do? The New York government will have to raise taxes to pay for it. Where? From Who? Don't you all ready know?
A new cigarette tax will be issued to pay for the coupon system designed to collect the taxes from an already over taxed New York smoking population. That's right. Let me repeat in case you didn't understand: Taxes on cigarettes will be created to pay for bloated government to collect already excessive cigarettes taxes.
Who elected this guy? Did any smokers?
New York smokers must vote against Governor Pataki in the next election. Smokers must unite and get this idiot out of office.
Organized Crime
As everyone must know, organized crime is involved in counterfeiting. We can't protect are money from illegal printing. We spend millions trying, but we can't stop it. Isn't anyone awake in New York? Don't you see what is coming around the bend. The New York Tax Free Coupon is going to be a doorway for organized crime. This cigarette coupon will bring more crime to New York.
Thanks for the bad government, Governor!!
Why don't you get some real ideas!!!