Should Movies with Smoking Be "R" Rated? claims that, "Smoking on screen is the #1 recruiter of new adolescent smokers in the United States — 390,000 kids a year, of whom 120,000 will die from tobacco-caused diseases. That’s more Americans than die from drunk driving, criminal violence, illicit drugs, and HIV/AIDS combined."
Oddly enough, they single out the movie, Fight Club, as an example of brand placement. Almost going as far as saying that Brad Pitt is paid to smoke Marlboro and that, "Any smoking in the movies sells adolescents on tobacco." writes, "It violates the 1998 Master Settlement Agreement (MSA) for a tobacco company to display its trademarks in venues and entertainment accessible to young people under 18. But the movie studios are not a party to the MSA. And both sides deny that they now cooperate in any way. It just “happens.”"
There is one major flaw in their argument against Fight Club:
Fight Club is already "R" Rated "for disturbing and graphic depiction of violent anti-social behavior, sexuality and language." It is an adult movie for an adult audience. There aren't any adolescents watching the movie. So what is the problem with Fight Club? The movie isn't even violating SmokeFreeMovies illogical proposals.
Smoking is a legal adult activity. As adults, we should be allowed to watch whatever we choose. Attacking adult activities under the subterfuge of saving children is hardly going to fool anyone.
If Donald Duck was selling cigarettes to 2 year olds on Saturday morning cartoons, Smokefreemovies might have something to complain about.
i did hear a few years ago they were going to edit old films to cut out smoking, just think of all the war films, casablanca, cut and edited for people not to see them smoke
I don't get these double standards either. They completely deny people's ability to choose, and assume that everyone who goes to the movies are mindless drones who will just step outside the theatre and copy what they've just seen.
On that principle, we should ban the depiction of anything that is illegal, and then we could all happily sit around watching utopian, communist-style edited versions of Pocoyo.
This whole idea of rating a movie just because people smoke in it is STUPID. Lets get to the heart of the matter. Which is that the non smoker wants to shove us in a back closet like some second rate citizen, with no civil rights. We are TAX paying citizens, and boy do we pay TAXES. Where will they stop. It's not exactly a question that we ask the elected officials in an interview, "Where do you stand on Personal Freedoms". If the Smokers in the USA were to stop smoking where would the money come from that we as smokers pay. FROM THE IDIOT NON SMOKERS. The Non Smoker complains about us smoking and we pay the extra TAX. They will then complain about the extra TAX that they generated , because of us the smokers quitting. Because, you know the Government will not want to give up the Revenue
I think a person should have rights the government is trying to take all rights away. Thats not America the free!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Did you notice how they edited the smoking that army girl did at that prison scandle. Like the worst think she was doing was smoking in the picture...Give me a break! So sad! I like seeing people taking their rights and using them on the big screen. People smoke...that is life. GET OVER IT!
I bet you would like to see fat people killed for being fat. If you are going to defend one right you need to defend them all. I am a overweight smoker...Ta Da!
I'm doing a research paper on rights of smokers to smoke in bars and resraurants vs. rights of nonsmokers to a smoke free environment. If you could post or reply an opinion, I would appreciate it.
Yes! I agree smokers should have the right to slowly kill themselves, but should not have the right to kill others with their second hand smoke. I think all drug addicts shuld have the right to kill themselves but not other people.
fred the waiter what makes something a "suicidal beahvior" If it is any behavior that could at some time result in death then I think we are going to have to just get rid of movies to acomplish this. Do you cover the eyes of children everytime you walk down the street and see a person smoking (since many smokers have been forced to the sidewalks). Do you really feel that people are that dumb that they copy everything in the movies. Doesnt make sense to me I havn't tried to fly since seeing superman.
I've been smoking at least a pack a day for over 65 years and have no health effects, but when the non-smokers quit driving their cars and polluting the entire atmosphere with carbon monoxide, I'll quit smoking.
We need the same freedom as the automobile drivers have.
I totally sympathize with you. The government, and society today, make smoking out to be more of a threat than smoking is. In all actuality, you never see someone getting into an accident because they are "intoxicated on nicotine." However, you do see them get into accidents while intoxicated on alcohol. If the government wanted to help with health issues, they should focus more on obesity rather than smoking. Their numbers they come up with are absolutely false. If their numbers were correct, then we would be in a population crisis. And the STAND commercials, to me, seem to actually advertise rather than degrade cigarette smoking. Maybe they should complain about that being a violation. You have reason to be angry. They make smoking look like it will kill you, when, drinking commercials, are really the major killers of this world. Drinking is getting out of hand with teenagers, and it could be because of advertising. America is getting to ger out of hand with their so called "health issues" aimed at smoking. This is a complete violation to anyone. I have to go now, unfortunately, but if you want to contact me, email me at Thanks for the voice against this epidemic.
(Freakonaleash again)
If they really want to tax Americans, then they should legalize Marijuana, tax it heavily, and let off the cigarette tax a bit. In ohio, we pay a 75 cent tax! Thats horrible. Marijuana is even less dangerous than alcohol, yet alcohol is LEGAL and marijuana is ILLEGAL. Its been proven that no one has died from THC overdose. But if you drink too much alcohol, and pass out, you can die easily. Intelligence - The politicians flaw. There is no intelligence in politician's minds, they just care about getting your vote. We obviously need to change this tax, they need to allow us to see movies, without interruption, with smoking in it. If they really wanted to edit something out, then they should edit out alcohol use. How many people do you see on the street because they cant pay for a house because they are addicted to nicotine? Now how many people do you see on the street cause they are alcoholics? Think about this, to all you non-smokers, and answer, is tobacco REALLY that bad? Smoking has been around for ages, probably even since the beginning of man. Its not going away, and just because a select few people dont like it, we wont stop smoking to keep "healthy little Muffy" safe from smoking. In one time or another of her life, she will be exposed to it, she may try it, she may hate it, never do it again. Or she might start smoking. Its uncontollable. So I raise a big middle finger to all the non-smokers who have a problem with us smokers.
yes. cigarettes should be recruited, and especially by donald duck. marlboro needs more money as does parliament, fuck, even, pall mall. riiiight. anyways. there are MORE smokers than there are not. they will NEVER edit out smoking, because with the right person, smoking is sexy, and sexy is what the media aims for.
I couldn't care any less if they obsess over airbrushing cigarettes out of every photo/movie/painting. It's when they go for the cigarette in my hand that drives me combative. And yeah, Children are 100% t.v. mimics that's why they are giddy to go to school, solve mysteries, obey parents (always), and behave in public like every single cartoon kid ever drawn.
Let's talk about movies featuring smokers. So what! Usually these movies are R rated and "children" should not be seeing them. I have seen parents take there children to movies with SEX sceens more graphic and worse then any smoking sceens.
But, most non smokers dig "Sex" sceens, drugs, and they can justify this and not worry about their kids being exposed to it, as long as Debbie's doing Dallas, she is not smoking!!
These people disgust me. They are stepping all over my freedom. They have nothing better to do then harp about "second hand smoke"
We are the laughing stock of the world. Yes, cigarettes are taxed in other countries. But, when they pay the taxes, they are given the right to smoke. In America the hypocrites are demanding the taxes and then suppressing the smokers. Do they want us to quit? Hell no.
smoking is not the real reason we are hearing about not allowing "smoking actors" Why have a rating system? what is the point. If kids get into R rated movies who is to blame? It is not the movie it is the theater. But of course the issue is always about the children, children, children. Don't get me wrong, I have 5 kids. they didn't run my life. they followed my rules, and they were not raised by a Village.
This is all about one group of Americans taking over the lives of another group of Americans. Hey, the non smokers want fresh air, let them sit outside. I pay those taxes and i pay to be inside. The non smokers think we are giving their pink lungs some kind of fungus. How about all the pot smoking going on? all the drug use. I mean real, life distroying drugs. How about all the crap on the T.V. and how much is not regulated? No, I think non smokers are the Nazi in America. the organizations that bow down to them are loosing many many millions of revenue. The people demanding Hollywood stop making movies with smoking sceens are never bothered with the horrible, digusting stuff that is pumped out there for our kids to see that are pg-13 rated. The adults can handle smoking sceens in R rated movies. How about this. NON SMOKERS SHOULD STAY AT HOME, NOT GO TO BARS, RESTURANTS OR THE MOVIES. That will take care of this whole problems. XXOOXX
Be as angry as you want angrysmoker, but no one wants to be around smokers and the health hazards they cause. Commit suicide if you want, but you don't have to take other people with you.
good post
Hey you Anonymous non smokers. What are you to coward to list your own name? So that you can bash Smokers. Our smoke is not what is causing all of the health issues. There are a lot of contributing factors, Smog, Exhaust, Factories, Forrest Fires, Fire Places, Persciption Drugs (which have inumeral side affects), Drunk Drivers. Get a clue.
You're an asshole. So what if someone's fat? Go fuck yourself! Or better yet, shove a twinkie in it, fat ass!
Yes smokers have rights, so keep them to yourselfs Please!
This is going way too far. It is up to the parents to teach their children. If you dont want your kids smoking then show them the dangers from smoking. Dont rely on anyone else. Besides, smoking may be a way to portray the character in the movie.
Good Night and Good Luck is rated PG and I don't think there is a single scene in there where there is noone smoking. Noone complained about that? Fucking non-smokers are slacking here.
Hey AngrySmoker
About kids smoking because of the shit in movies, that's bull I'm a kid and I smoke but not because of shit in movies. I smoke because I wanna. And not to be cool either, i just wanna.
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